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Hans Peter Dürr
GCN e.V.

Resolution   |   Erklärung

The Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize),
as signed below,

and the participants of the Conference "Die Alternative – Ausblicke auf eine andere Globalisierung” in Munich, March 8 – 12, 2005


To the Iraq Order 81*:
"Crime Against Humanity

Iraq is one of the world's cradles of civilisation and agriculture.

Traditional varieties of crops in Iraq, which evolved over thousands of years, are not just the legacy of Iraqi farmers, but are global legacy.

Order 81, passed by Mr. Paul Bremer, the US official in charge of reconstruction of Iraq, will effectively prevent Iraqi farmers from using their ancient varieties of seeds and crops, and is forcing them to depend on corporate patented and genetically modified seeds.

We demand of the US government and of the Iraqi government to repeal Order 81.

We call on the international community to protect and propagate the farmers varieties, evolved over thousands of years in Iraq.

Emergency action is needed to rescue and preserve this world’s heritage by creating community seed banks, controlled by local farmers.”

Munich, 12th of March 2005

The Laureates:
Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr
Prof. Johan Galtung
Stephen Gaskin
Tapio Mattlar
Prof. Dr. Manfred Max-Neef
Pat Mooney
Nicanor Perlas
Prof. Dr. P. K. Raveendran
Irina Sherbakova
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Sulak Sivaraska
Prof. Dr. Michael Succow

* Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law of 2004, CPA Order No. 81, 26. April 2004

Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr, Global Challenges Network, Frohschammer Str. 14,
D - 80807 München, www.gcn.de

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